Wednesday, 16 January 2013


For once, decent prgress has been made!! =]
The New Ross Fundraising Gig shall be in Spider's, most likely Friday the 5th of April, just need to confirm with the pub. Anyone else wanting to stick your name down to play leave a comment or message me on Facebook :)
Bag Packing has been booked in Supervalu for the 30th and 31st of May, from 10:30am to 6/7pm. Anyone interested in helping out for an hour or two I would love to hear from you, I'll also be asking around closer to the day. You get to wear one of these deadly t-shirts I painted if you do! =D (I might just take Roisin Ryan's advice and make and sell some for extra donations =P )
As for the Bake Sale in college, the woman who's permission I needed FINALLY got back to me...after 3 months...better late than never I guess! Although, she didn't have good news, seeing as it's not a graded event (as most bakesales in College are =.= ) and it's partially for personal reasons I have to ask the head of my department for the search begins again! All I want to do is sell cake to people so they can be happy then the monkeys will be happy :( I disapprove of authority being needed to sell cake!!
...anyway, I'm getting off point here..
Well I think that's all the updates I can remember for now.. Thanks again to everyone who has offered their help and advice! Loads of lovely people did so after the last blog entry :)
Also, still looking for some unwanted christmas presents as raffle prizes if anyone has some!
Ceara :)

Thursday, 10 January 2013

So Many Things To Do!

Ok, my neglect of this blog has been AWFUL, for that I'm sorry but I shall not make excuses but get on with what needs to be done! First of all THANK YOOOOU to anyone and everyone who has sponsored me over the past 3 months, I know who ye are and will all get a personalised thank you :)
This blog has 2 lists, one of upcoming events I shall have, with what I am in the process of doing to get those events organised, and most importantly a list that all you lovely lovely people can help me with! :) so scroll to those that interest you!

List (1) Upcoming Events;
  • An acoustic gig in New Ross - The Ship seems to be closed again so I'm getting in touch with Spider's instead.
  • A live music gig with a few friends' (UHMAZING) bands in Dublin.
  • And of course the gigs above of course will have raffles with some quirky prizes I have lined up ;)
  • Bag Packing in Supervalu on the quay in New Ross - just waiting on a response to my e-mail!
  • Bag Packing in Tesco in either Drogheda or New Ross or both - also waiting on a response to my e-mail!
  • Bake Sale in DkIT - I WILL find that woman who's approval I need who has been ignoring my e-mails and has not been in her office the past 15 times I went looking for her!!! And I WILL make and give you all cake. -haha that rhymes =P
List (2) I Need You Guys To Help Me By...
  • Firstly, sharing the blog, you can do that on Facebook just by clicking 'share' under the link that brought you here :) (I hereby swear I won't neglect it anymore!)
  • If any of my musically gifted friends are interested in playing a slot in an acoustic gig in New Ross let me know (thanks to Rob, Paul, Eugene, Martyn and Mam for volunteering already!).
  • If any of you are in a band that may be available for a gig in Dublin sometime get in touch.
  • If any of you have unwanted christmas presents, I will take them as raffle prizes!
  • If any of you own, work for or know someone who works for a business, a voucher for the product or service (whatever it is!) would also help so much towards raffles. I'll put your logo on this page (if I can find out how) and all my sponsorship cards and mention you in every thank-you speech. :)
  • Anyone willing to spend an hour or two or three with me bag packing in either Drogheda or New Ross I would very much appreciate it and love you long time.
  • Peeps in the Dundalk area or anyone who goes to DkIT, if you cook me cake (or rice crispie buns if you're less talented with a rolling pin) and let me sell it I will be eternally grateful and shall one day cook you cake in return. :)
  • I'm planning on sending out sponsorship cards to family and friends who are willing to go around their estate or work place and collect a few pennies for me. If you would do such a deadly thing for me let me know! =D
  • I guess the only other thing I can think of now is to sponsor me really! You can do so through PayPal by clicking the link on the top right hand of the page BUT 9% of what you give goes to PayPal :S You can also lodge money into the bank account I set up for the fundraising, just give me a shout and I'll send the sort code and account number onto you. :)
Thank you for reading! And thanks to absolutely everybody who's been helping me out, giving me donations, advice and volunteering for things,
I love you all :) (And these monkeys from Bambelela love you too!)